Sunday, January 28, 2007

I Got It! A Plan To Curb Violence

I'm a scholar. In fact I got my P.H.D. from a school called Common Sense University. I was at the top of my class. I was recently asked by a local writer of a major newspaper what I felt was the answer to reducing violence in this city. I laughed out loud at her question. Not out of disrespect but out of disbelief that people around this city don't have a clue to our growing problem. As I paused to regroup my thoughts, I stared in space looking for a rocket scientist to come down and swoop me up because this is not scientific. I told Ms. Reporter the answer was EDUCATION and REPARATIONS. She paused as if she had a brain surge from my answer. That's right I said, EDUCATION and REPARATIONS.

Let's talk about EDUCATION. One who has knowledge has power. Power opens many doors of opportunity. If you don't believe it check out the education levels of most inmates in jail. Okay, okay, yeah Stally. It's because education wasn't a priority in the home. Probably. It's because they didn't have the best facilities. I don't buy it. Ask Oprah Winfrey. Now days most schools encourage parental involvement like Catholic schools, most private schools and some public schools. So we're able to diminsh those myths. Show me a student with a high school education and the opportunity to continue his or her education and I will show you a student who will probably attend a school of higher learning and increase their chances of being successful and decrease their chances of being involved in crimes and acts of violence as a perpetrator or victim. Obviously, they're exceptions to all rules. Here's the plan! There should be mandated schools in every state that allow students free education. These schools will be funded at the government level. Again, I mean every state! Give reparations (most of you know it as incentives) for state funded schools of higher learningto educate those based on financial and social need. Are you with me? Guess what? You get individuals who aspire to go to school off the streets in lieu of a valued education. Feel me? I talk to inmates at the Queen City Correctional Facility wher I volunteer as a community mentor. In my discussions a majority of inmates tell me that their interest in school faded when they didn't see opportunities. Interesting! Didn't see opportunities. Unfortunately, there appears to be more opportunities on the streets. They're paying reparations. Imagine that!

REPARATIONS. Reparations is a giving of satisfaction or payment for something done in the past or a good deed. Well, let's concentrate on the good deed. I got it! Let's give businesses incentives (I'm sorry, reparations) to hire those who have less, like education and skills. Hold on! Now tie in provisions to their employment such as going back to school, some of you know it as continuing education. While we're at it let's do some extensive job training (everybody needs that), some random drug testing and while we're at it some random background checks. Hmmm! Sounds like everybody wins. The businesses gets tax relief, the so-called hard to serve gets a legal paycheck, education, skills and just as important incresed self-esteem. The community gets reduced crime on the streets that will equate to decreased violence. Neighborhoods strive, especially those who are hard hit by crime waves. Economy flourishes and politicians can realistically hold press conferences and pat each other on the back for a job well done. The only industries who will take an immediate hit financially will be the funeral homes and the Coroner's office. Oh! I forgot to tell you, Common Sense University is free and open to the public. Hmmm! Maybe I will write a play titled "Education and Reparations" to be played out on the streets of Greater Cincinnati. Cost to see this production, FREE. Free to anyone willing to invest in the future of our children. As my late uncle T.J. Stenson said to me. "I'm not the biggest fool in the world today." I will accept comments as payment.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Let It Snow!!

I'm hyped for our first real snow. I felt bad for the kids on Christmas when we didn't get a major snow. Kinda takes the fun out of it. Anywho, I have a burning question to ask you in two parts. Hell, you might as well answer it because we'll be snowed in. If you had 10 people to spend a week with to fellowship and really get to know them. I mean really get to know who they are, their real side and what they really mean to humanity who would they be? Remember, don't include family members and close friends. Take your time, drink a beer or wine or just reflect. Secondly, what in your own definition (not Websters) is the meaning of love? No Blazer, I'm not on any drugs I'm just feeling melancholy. Walterman, how's Donna and herfamily? How's your family? Chels, how's your family? Enough questions!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

15 Funny and Not So Funny Things To Know About Me!

1) When I was young my nickname was "ping." No! I wasn't good at ping pong. I hated that name.

2) I always wanted to be a firefighter when I was growing up.

3) I have five brothers and one sister. My sister was spoiled rotten.

4) Believe it or not, I'm a big proponent of women issues and rights.

5) My phobia is being in an elevator all by myself.

6) My high school shut down for 212 school violations in 1970 and I went to Princeton High School for my senior year and graduated in 1971.

7) If you see the name Marcella in all of my plays it's in honor of a girl I dated in high school who died in a car accident. I loved her and will never forget her.

8) I give $ 1000.00 annually to the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Cincinnati to send kids with Sickle Cell to summer camp.

9) I got married in a purple polyester suit. I also made last call at the local bar on my wedding night. I was able to have Rose to sleep by 1:30 a.m. What a man! (Not proud of that now!)

10) When my first child is born one night I walked 5 miles to the stoore (King Kwik) to get some high ass price Similac and papers. I then had to log that damn 5 miles back in the dark only to get bitched out by Rose because the baby cried all the time I was gone.

11) I took an interest in writing plays at the ripe age of 39 years old and loving every minute.

12) My favorite singer is Barry Manilow.

13) While working at Altercrest when I was real young I took some male residents to the Rainbow Lake in Dayton, Ohio. We had got paid that day and I was in a very giving mood. One of the boys asked privately if I could pick up his girlfriend to take with us. Obviously I asked if her parents were around and he said that the parent wrote a note that she has. Being the dumb ass that I was I said okay. To make a long story short they told me that I can get a twelve pack and they would not tell. Well, several things happened. One, the girl wasn't the boys girlfriend. She was a friend of the friend of the Altercrest boys if you get my drift. Second, the note was fake and Third I was called on the carpet but didn't get fired. I wondered why she was making visit to the woods with different boys. After a while I couldn't tell the forest for the trees.

14) My first car was a Aqua color with a white hardtop 1968 Ford Torino with bucket seats.

15) I used to get run out of St. Bernard and Elmwood Place. I couldn't understand why when I kept Littrell's Liqour Store open in Elmwood Place and the Dairy Queen open in St Bernard.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My Reflections/Thoughts, Give Me Yours!

Chels, Sharon I'm at a crossraods again. Not with the Hope Academy. Chelsea pretty much helped me with that issue and well as Sharon. As you know I'm an advocate for healthy families. Almost everything I do civic has to do with addressing family issues and giving positive solutions. Not that Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday is here but I always am troubled mentally and emotionally when I pick up the paper and see where there's another young person either killed or killing someone. I know, I know, I can't save the world, not even Cincinnati, Ohio. However, I would like to speak out. Not the speaking out that will just bring cameras like many black so-called leaders do for self acclaim. I feel everytime I hear of a murder involving a young person I go back to what I spoke about at our "Gift of Love" banquet when I said "go get your child even if it meant your life" I was very serious. I'm asking you my dear sisters this question. Should I speak out to the community regarding this matter. I have a reporter friend who is with the Enquirer. I call her a reporter friend because she interviewed me when my granddaughter was murdered by her dad. I told her then that I wanted to use my voice to encourage men to refrain from "Shaken Baby Syndrome" of which my grandbaby Kayla died from in 2003. What I wanted to say in the enquirer would be to make a plea to parents to go get their children off the streets. Not just get them off the streets but find resources ie; educational, employment, job training etc to bring them whole. Am I'm out in left field or what? Let me know. I don't want to be a mortar but I want to NOT bury my head in the sand and count record breaking statistics at the end of the year. NOW a question that you may or may NOT feel comfortable answering because it's racially directed. Okay, here it is if you dare. In your opinion why is it that white teens even in the lower to lower middle class neighborhoods are NOT having the super increase of acts of violence like the black males. If you so chose to answer please do not sugar coat it. You're talking to Stally! I just need to know on the real side what is going on and how those who I real;ly trust believe.

On another note, it was a blast to have two of my best friends at the "Club" Friday. Sharon. I will pay you big money to give me your secrets of how you got the "Blazer" out that night. I must say that we need to have that moment again with her and Brian. Since we didn't have the opportunity to drink Chels Blazer "under the table" we will try Brian. It doesn't matter what Blazer we defeat (smile)

On a more serious note Sharon, I know the anniversary for Michael is coming up and I respect how the family choose to grieve. Just let me know if there's anything I can do. Love both of you and Holla!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Hey ya'll Stally's on Tour!!!

Far cry from my depressed state the other day but I got news for you! I'd made a conscious (when is the last time Walterman you seen Stally! make a decision consciously or soberly) As the Blazer says "Anywho" my next production is in Columbus, Ohio and is titled "The Baby's Daddy." It is a hoot! A romantic comedy about the lives of baby's daddies. You would love it! It has the most romantic ending. Even at my age I love romantic ending even though sometimes I can only write about it. It's going to be at the King Art's Complex 867 Mt. Vrenon Avenue on March 24th. On other developments we will have a interim Assistant Principal next week (Chels where are you?) It looks like it will be either Fulgham or Moorman. I was asked before they brought it to the overall staff and I told the Principal that I would rather be in front of the St. Bernard Police Station at 3:00 a.m. intoxicated with a picket sign saying as Rodney King said so eloquently "Can we all just get along at Meiners? " (smile Sharon) Blazer I heard you wanted to belly up against walterman and I? I heard that back in the day you used to drink folks under the table. What happened? Guess what? Chili Time is still opem and Mackzum's the "Home of the pop up karaoke machine" is stiil in compliance with the State of Ohio Board of Liquor Control. Sharon, we got to take the Chels over to Mackzum's. She'll love it! Country music at it's finest. Sharon's sister Patty gave me my last rites before we went in last year. She asked me if I remember the 60's. That's what scared the hell out of me. I remember running south on Vine past Roger Bacon trying to get to heaven. (Vine & Mitchell) That's when St. Bernard Police re-treated. It was sooo funny. It was like they had an invisible fence there. As you can see I'm back! Blazer come on out, we'll pay for a taxi ride home. Hell that would be probably $ 80.00 to the "burbs"

Holla back!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

What I'm Feeling! (At the Hope!)

In all my years I'm experiencing a feeling that I never felt before. I'm feeling a sense of desertion. A feeling of being on a mountain or on a desert without any companion. A feeling of not getting the hint that my world around me was closing in. A sense of not getting the message until it was to late. A sense of not seeing the handwriting on the wall. Why have I didn't watch the developments? I say all this because those who I have worked so closely with are moving on and I feel that I'm left holding the damn bag. Kinda like a young teenager carrying a bag of dope across the street and getting caught while the supplier runs off free and I do five years in prison. On January 16th, interesting enough the day after Martin Luther King's birthday. You remember him, the one who spoke of freedom I will be a slave to a school that is short staffed, no Assistant Principals, an influx of students with all kinds of mental health issues and a future the length of a down trodding alcoholic. What I'm feeling is hopelessness, survival in a tunnel with no light. I'm confused! I want to walk away from the Hope but I feel like it's a drug to me and I'm addicted to it. Waiting for the next fix or should I say promise that things are going to get better. When am I going to get off this drug called contentment. It's one hell of a drug to kick it's habit. No I'm not the only one addicted but I'm the one that will be left holding the blow while others leave for treatment (another job). I feel like I'm in the welfare line waiting to get that check and when I get to the front of the line they tell me that they're closing and come back tomorrow. I look down the list, Walterman, Blazer, Planicka, Hempel, van Gilse, Kirkland, Barker, Lucas. What horoscope are they reading? I must be looking inthe wrong damn paper. It's evident that change of employment is needed. Walterman probably said it best when she said that she didn't feel that she was making a significant difference with the students. I need help in the form of advice. What would you do if you been at the same place for 21 years and the ship is again turbulent but hasn't sunk? Do you ride the tide to retirement or do you jump ship? Sounds like I'm getting ready to jump off the deep in? Nah! Just between a rock and a hard place. Holla back! Soon!!

Monday, January 1, 2007

I'm Back!!

What a virtual tour! This trip with family was probably the most interesting and eye opening of recent years. We had a great trip with the grandbaby considering the distance traveled. The assistance of coloring books, juice, music and a very comfortable seat does wonders. Rose was so helpful in being the world renown backseat driver. She is notorious of knowing every exit, mileage point and direction when she feels I'm going wrong. From this point on she will be known ad DW (Da' wife) Anywho, Rose, relatives and I went over to Tulane University in downtown New Orleans to watch her female cousin who played basketball there have her jersey retired. While riding on Interstate 10 going through New Orleans I witnessed the aftermath of Katrina a year later. I couldn't believe that a year later there are parts of the city that is still deplorable. There is a area call the ninth Parish that poor blacks, whites and mexican resided that looked like a war zone. Then I observed areas like the downtown commercial district and French Quarters that was striving as if nothing happened. That shit made me sick to my stomach. The fact that many people couldn't move back because the political assholes and the government with their bullshit when it comes to allocating money and embezzlement. I can tell you this, the television accounts don't do you justice to what I really saw one year later. The New Year only brings a prospective to me of being better and taking care of myself and protecting and loving family. DW really loves me. She told me that after coming back from her relatives. I asked her what made her say that so passionately and she said that her sister told her that she better hold on to that good man. I promised that I didn't pay her sister off. I really love her too! I tell her that more times than she tells me so I'm ahead in the love catergory. School starts tomorrow and I'm not feeling it. Our Assistance Principal John has resigned to take another position and with the termination of our other Assistant Principal we are up the creek without a paddle. His last day is the 12th of January. I haven't got the message yet. Sharon saw the handwriting on the wall and left, others leaving for bigger and better things and I'm the only fool in town who is hanging around until the building falls. Well, I guess I better retire before I pass out from going back to Hope "depression."